Mapulanga market traders seek upgrade for market

The businessmen and traders who are working at Mapulanga makeshift market in Ngwerere Ward in Chongwe district

Mapulanga market traders seek upgrade for market, Image: facebook
Mapulanga market traders seek upgrade for market, Image: facebook

Zambia: The businessmen and traders who are working at Mapulanga makeshift market in Ngwerere Ward in Chongwe district has asked for an upgrade for the facility. The traders requested government to uplift the facility allowing them to trade in a conducive environment.

Currently, the traders are working out of makeshift structures which are not comfortable for businesspersons.  The traders have expressed their feelings on the issue and claimed that the makeshift structures are no longer ideal for use.

According to the traders, this is mainly because the ward has no designated market in place. The traders have chosen Mildred Mwale as their spokesperson who is taking their demands to the distruct administration.

Mwale said the makeshift market is not a conducive trading place as it lacks a proper shelter. She also pointed out that the area is not a legally designated market which makes it difficult for Chongwe Municipal to maintain.

Her colleague, Judy Milimo who trades from the same facility talked about the various other issues that the traders face. She said, ”What has worsened the situation is that the facility has no water which she said is a health hazard.”

“We have no access to water here which is not safe. The food we sell needs to be washed with clean water. It is difficult for anyone to help us with water facilities because this is a makeshift market,” said Ms Milimo.

She revealed that the area has no toilet which is also another health hazard especially now that the ward is grappling with cholera. The healthcare authorities are struggling to contain the outbreak which has claimed many lives across Zambia

Meanwhile, Ngwerere Ward Councillor Samangwe Chipili has also expressed his agreement with the situation. He said stated that Mapulanga makeshift market is not a conducive trading environment as it lacks basic sanitation requirements for a market.

He assured traders at the market that the WDC will engage some farm owners in the area to source for land were a proper market with an ablution block can be constructed.