Orapa Half Marathon: VP Tsogwane leads with NCD awareness

Botswana: The Orapa half marathon held a sponsorship and merchandising reveal geared towards the marathon, which will be held on the 25th of November at Itekeng Stadium in Orapa.

Orapa Half Marathon: VP Tsogwane leads with NCD awareness
Orapa Half Marathon: VP Tsogwane leads with NCD awareness Image Credit: Facebook

Botswana: The Orapa half marathon held a sponsorship and merchandising reveal geared towards the marathon, which will be held on the 25th of November at Itekeng Stadium in Orapa.

The Vice President, Slumber Tsogwane, will be the chief runner, while Amantle Montsho and Diphetogo Selolwane were revealed as brand ambassadors.


Representing NAHPA who was revealed as the gold sponsor, Acting Manager-Non Communicable Disease Division, Gloria Rakgotla, said they decided to sponsor the Orapa Half Marathon to help disseminate information and sensitize the community about NCDs and how to overcome them.

As part of their corporate responsibility, the Orapa Half Marathon considered Onkabetse Nkobolo’s cry for help. Nkobolo is a celebrated 400m athlete who suffered a spine injury due to a road accident in 2020 and is in need of an aider to assist him in his day to day life. The race will cover all the costs for P2500 per month from January 2024 to December 2024.

This year’s partners include Duma FM, Orapa Athletics Club and Emergency Medical Services, among others. The sponsors, among others, include the Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture in sponsoring the local best athlete for prize money, the National Aids and Health Promotion Agency (NAHPA) as the gold sponsor, and Choppies Botswana as race medal sponsor.

Runners will participate in 5km, 10km and 21km. Each race will be differentiated with white, green and pink t-shirts.

As part of the build up activities, five aside football tournament, which consists of 20 teams on the basis of the winner takes all, will be held this Saturday at Lucara Stadium in Orapa.