Pelumi Nubi becomes first Black Woman to conquer solo trip in Peugeot 107

Pelumi Nubi became the first ‘Black Woman’ to complete the solo road trip from London to Lagos and drove through 17 countries in her Purple Peugeot.

Pelumi Nubi who became the first Black Woman to travel from UK to Nigeria
Pelumi Nubi who became the first Black Woman to travel from UK to Nigeria

Nigerian lady aged 29 makes a record by driving a Peugeot from London to Lagos. Pelumi Nubi began with her solo drive from UK to Nigeria, in a purple Peugeot 107 on January 08, 2024.

Reportedly, it took 68 days to Pelumi Nubi to conquer the road trip which almost took her life as she also got involved in an accident. She has become the first Nigerian Woman to promote a safe and borderless Africa.

Traveller Pelumi Nubi
Traveller Pelumi Nubi

Pelumi Nubi became the first ‘Black Woman’ to complete the solo road trip from London to Lagos and drove through 17 countries in her Purple Peugeot. The 29-year-old lady received a heroic reception as she arrived in Lagos on April 07, 2024.

Her itinerary followed the route from England, France, Spain, Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, then Liberia, Mali, Burkina Faso, then went through Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin Republic and then finally reached to Nigeria.

Pelumi Nubi with her purple Peugeot 107
Pelumi Nubi with her purple Peugeot 107

Pelumi Nubi arrived in the West African country’s largest city after facing a terrifying car crash more than two months. Before completing her epic journey, Nubi stated that it has been an incredible adventure that is filled with beautiful surprises.

Nubi, who was born in Lagos, explained that it has been long that her goal is to “showcase that travel can be easy, safe and more doable and more secure,” particularly for Black female solo travellers like herself.

Pelumi Nubi with her purple Peugeot 107 and board I am solo driving from London to Lagos
Pelumi Nubi with her purple Peugeot 107 and board I am solo driving from London to Lagos

The achiever saw the story of Kunle Adeyanju who is a Nigerian man who rode from London, UK to Lagos, Nigeria by bike. As she began to look into other Black women who had attempted the journey by car and could not find any record of it.

I was a particular and was very personal to Nubi as she was keen to connect with the two places that she considered as home.

Pelumi Nubi with her purple Peugeot 107
Pelumi Nubi with her purple Peugeot 107

Nubi also explained in an interview, “Each time I went home, I just kind of flew over these places.” She further elaborated that although she had travelled around 80 countries, she had not done much exploring on other parts of West Africa and was curious to see more.

Notably, Nubi has previously gone on a road trip around Namibia and travelled from Ghana to Lagos and back on public transport. She has also experienced an overland travel which was relatively limited.

Then in 2023, Nubi travelled to Lake Como, Italy by car as a ‘trial run’. She further explained that it is a lot bigger in terms of cross continent travel.