PM Roosevelt Skerrit recalls CARICOM’s achievements during chairmanship

Roosevelt Skerrit recounted the achievements recorded by the CARICOM states during his tenure as the Chairman.

PM Roosevelt Skerrit recalls CARICOM's achievements during chairmanship, Image: Facebook
PM Roosevelt Skerrit recalls CARICOM's achievements during chairmanship, Image: Facebook

Dominica: The Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit delivered his remarks at the opening ceremony of the 46th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM. He recounted the achievements recorded by the CARICOM states during his tenure as the Chairman.

The opening ceremony was hosted on Sunday, February 25 and will continue till Wednesday, February 28 under the chairmanship of Dr Irfaan Ali.

PM Skerrit started his address by expressing his sincere pride and delight on the achievements and accomplishments of the CARICOM. He was happy to be concluding his tenure as the Chairperson of the CARICOM.

He stated that he was honoured and privileged to serve this incredible community as chair. The Prime Minister said that his term as the chair of the CARICOM was marked by several accomplishments in various sectors.

Some of the most notable achievements that the outgoing CARICOM Chair chose to highlight during his address included the implementation of the agriculture policy. He claimed that the CARICOM heads of state took concrete steps towards self-sufficiency.

The member states of CARICOM have taken several steps to encourage innovation and collaboration among farmers. The budgetary allocations to the agriculture sector have also seen a significant increase under his leadership.

PM Skerrit further highlighted that the CARICOM Member states also introduced new crops, improved cross-border investments and collaborations. The nations worked for the implementation of new agricultural trade policies and guidelines.

Further, the outgoing CARICOM Chairman noted that the governments have implemented initiatives that would benefit the farmers. All the steps that the Caribbean Community Heads of State have taken suggest that they are on the right course to meet their food security targets.

The most critical initiative that is currently on the list is to reduce the CARICOM nations’ food import bill. Further, they are collectively working towards ensuring food and nutrition security for the community.

PM Roosevelt Skerrit also discussed the developments of the tourism sector during his tenure as the chairperson. He highlighted that the member nations have signed a double taxation agreement aimed at easing trade investment within the community.

Further, PM Skerrit claimed “We fortified our economic resilience and almost immediately. saw positive signs of recovery of our respective tourism sectors”

He acknowledged that tourism is the most important sector and a vital pillar of the economies of all the countries that are part of the CARICOM.

The Prime Minister discussed CARICOM’s collective effort to raise awareness for climate change. He asserted that their efforts for the cause were acknowledged on a global stage.

“We advocated for ambitious climate action, championing the Caribbean climate action plan.” PM Skerrit noted. He believes that their efforts will be instrumental to safeguard the future from the devastating effects of climate change.”

The Prime Minister thanked all the member states and governments, people of the various CARICOM member states, the secretary general of CARICOM, Carla Barnett, CARICOM Institutions, Organs and Bodies, and international partners for their invaluable support.

The Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica assumed the chairmanship of the Caribbean Community in July 2023. He has been succeeded by the President of Guyana, Dr Irfaan Ali who assumed the chairmanship in February 2024.