PM Skerrit engages Baroness Patricia Scotland Primary School students at PMO

Prime Minister Dr Roosevelt Skerrit spent time with the students of the Baroness Patricia Scotland Primary School

PM Skerrit engages Baroness Patricia Scotland Primary School students at PMO, Image: facebook
PM Skerrit engages Baroness Patricia Scotland Primary School students at PMO, Image: facebook

Dominica: Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Dr Roosevelt Skerrit spenyt time with the students of the Baroness Patricia Scotland Primary School of Vieille Case. The Prime Minister’s meeting with the students was a part of the Career Week Celebration.

The Prime Minister was honored to meet the children and interact with them in the office of the Prime Minister. PM Skerrit shared some images from the meeting on his social media account.

In the said images, it was clearly visible that the children of the Baroness Patricia Scotland Primary School were delighted to meet their Prime Minister. The meeting featured a delightful conversation with the students.

The Prime Minister showed the children his office and explained to them how he works in the office. He gave the children of Vieille Case the experience of a lifetime by hosting them for Career Week celebration.

He talked to the children about the dreams that they have for their future. He also gave them good advise for their education. PM Roosevelt Skerrit noted that goof education is extremely important to  ensure that they have a successful life ahead.

The Prime Minister, on his part highlighted that It is always a pleasure to host our children who represent the future of the nation. This is the second primary school  whose students got the opportunity to interact with the Prime Minister.

Overall, this is the third school of the Commonwealth of Dominica whose students received a trip to the Prime Minister’s Office. The previous week, PM Skerrit hosted the students of Bellevue Chopin Primary School to an interactive and engaging session.

The people of the country have correctly pointed out that the students would learn much from these sessions with Prime Minister Dr Roosevelt Skerrit. They appreciated the Prime Minister for taking the initiative to meet the children.

In light of the Prime Minister’s gesture, other schools across the island nation are also asking the Prime Minister to engage with their students. Sharon Hansby, an alum of Roseau Primary School also reached out to the Prime Minister with her request.

First, She applauded the Prime Minister for meeting the students of the Baroness Patricia Scotland Primary School. Then, she expressed that she is looking forward to PM Skerrit spending some time with the students of the Roseau Primary School.

She highlighted that  they are the winners of the DBS reading competition 2024.