President Hakainde Hichilema exposes shelved tribalism

Governance and Development Advocates Zambia has lauded President Hakainde Hichilema for exposing tribalism that was hidden and shelved secretly by enemies of progressive Zambia.

President Hakainde Hichilema exposes shelved tribalism and illegal groupings
President Hakainde Hichilema exposes shelved tribalism and illegal groupings Image Credit: Facebook

Zambia: Governance and Development Advocates Zambia has lauded President Hakainde Hichilema for exposing tribalism that was hidden and shelved secretly by enemies of progressive Zambia.

Executive Director Elias Mulenga said tribalism in Zambia is like a religion where it is practised in parables under the veil of traditional cousinship, ethnic groupings, regional groupings, and social WhatsApp groupings.


Executive Director Mulenga said the Newdawn administration has exposed tribalism through the laws implemented under the laws of Zambia on tribal remarks and hate speech.

Executive Director Mulenga said It is evident that Zambia has seen groupings emerging in the names of Sons of the Devil, Tokota boys, 14 boys, Gerabos and many other groupings who do mean well for a peaceful Country like Zambia.

Executive Director Mulenga said these newly exposed groups recently discovered on WhatsApp groups from Eastern Province, Luapula, Northern, Southern and other Provinces are there to destabilise the peace that the nation enjoys.

Executive Director Mulenga said Zambia is Governed under the Constitution of Zambia; therefore, any other opposed entity is illegal and should be visited by the law enforcement agents and authorities just like the case of the Tokota boys and face the consequences of breaking the laws of the land.

Executive Director Mulenga said Zambia has only one legitimate President elected by the Zambian people and Sworn in under the Constitution of Zambia with a mandate to preside over the Country. If any other entities or bodies are illegally trading with breach of peace, the long arm of the law should not be abused but be applied to the offenders.

Executive Director Mulenga called on Zambians to voluntarily disassociate themselves from illegalities in the name of working together to deter development that President Hichilema has demonstrated to develop the entire Zambia. As per the reports, 19 million tribal people are living in Zambia.
