Tag: floods


Malawi Red Cross donates to flood struck families in Mangochi

Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) has started the distribution of cash to flood affected households in Mangochi District

Nkhata Bay crops destroyed by heavy rain, flood

District Commissioner for Nkhata Bay, Rodgers Newa has announced that the floods have destroyed more than 250 hectares of crops.

Malawi Red Cross Society procures boats to mitigate disasters

The Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) has commissioned four motorised inflatable boats in Chikwawa and Nsanje districts

Milner Mwanakapwe tackles Cholera, addresses 53 House collapses

Central Province Permanent Secretary Milner Mwanakapwe says that Central Province had a target of 2,451 members who are supposed to benefit from the farmer loan facility and that so far, 253 farmers have successfully managed to redeem, representing 10.32%.

Body of drowned victim recovered in Redfern – KZN

The officials of the Reaction Unit recovered the dead body of an unidentified victim in the Industrial Park Drive in Redfern - KZN