Tag: Phoenix


Women fends off armed attackers: R102 Phoenix – KZN

Two (2) female pedestrians fended off two (2) armed attackers on the R102/Phoenix Highway off-ramp - KZN on Wednesday afternoon.

Teenager arrested, stolen goods recovered in Phoenix – KZN

Reaction Officers in Phoenix, KZN, arrested a 19-year-old male and recovered goods stolen during a house break-in on Monday.

Verulam: Attempted murder suspect caught, Phoenix Girl Missing

A 25 year old man sought for attempted murder was arrested by members of Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) yesterday on Sunday.

2 men rapes pregnant female in Ottawa – KZN

Two men attempted to rape a four (4) month pregnant female in the backseat of a black VW Polo in Ottawa - KZN on Thursday evening.

Stolen Bakkie recovered from residential property in Parkgate – KZN

Reaction Unit South Africa questioned an old man (61 years old) after the team recovered a stolen bike from his home on Monday evening.