The Appointment of Parliament’s Committee today vetted ‘Froelich Kajubiri’ she is the sister of President Museveni, and she was vetted for the position of chairperson, Education Service Commission (ESC).
Froelich Kajubiri reached parliament by 9.00 am and held a brief conference with deputy speaker ‘Anita Among’.
As per Sources that, her approval was a withheld conclusion.
The young sister of Kajubini is Museveni, born in 1949. He has been a member of the ESC.
As per the president’s statement that she was struck by polio in 1955, and her father was very neutral about taking her to school, stating that it was a bad investment, then the burden fell on her mother’s shoulders, who truly believed that girl education is necessary and as such, solely saw kajubiri through school.
CV of Kajubiri’s:
Her Education Background
Dr Violet has a B.Sc. (Hon) – Makerere University Kampala, Conc. Dip Education (Bio/Chem)
Makerere University, Master of Science – Hohenheim University Stuttgart and Doctor of Philosophy
(PhD.) – Hohenheim University Stuttgart.
Her Working Experience:
- Dr Violet is a member of the Education Service Commission
- Worked with Consultant for state of Lower Saxony on Education and Development from
- 2008-2009.
- From 2005-to 2007, she worked with the Presidential Visitation Committee of Public Universities in
- Uganda.
- From 2001-2004, she was a Consultant for Protestant Development Aid in Germany.
- From 1999-to 2001, she was a Consultant with UWA/GTZ project (German Technical Cooperation).
- From 1991-to 1998, she was the General Secretary Wildlife Club of Uganda/National Coordinator.
- From 1987-to 1990, she was a fellow Research Ministry of Education for the State of Bremen,
- Germany.
- From 1974-to 1977, she was the special Assistant Department of Zoology Makerere University.