World Vision Malawi provides safe water to Chiradzulu District

Malawi: The International Non-Government Organization World Vision brought clean water to the Chiradzulu District of Malawi. The authorities of Chiradzulu appreciated the organization for their efforts under the Chiradzulu Wash for Everyone Project.

The aim of the organization was to give the people in remote areas of the country access to safe and clean water. Water is one of the most important components of a healthy life, and untreated, unsecured water can lead to many issues.


South African Nations, including Malawi and Zambia are struggling with an increase in the cases of Corona. The authorities are urging people to take preventive measures and maintain personal hygiene to protect themselves from the disease.

The organization’s Chiradzulu Wash for Everyone Project will also help the communities in their fight.

The gesture of the organization brought smiles to hundreds of homes in Chiradzulu District ahead of the festivals. Through the project, people have access to treated water that is supplied to numerous water points.

The success of the project is apparent in the situation of the Kunchema Village in TA Mpama’s area.

According to the people of the region, they are now able to access clean water in proximity. The situation is much better than in the past when they would drink from untreated sources such as swamps.

The people also shared that previously, they travelled a distance of not less than a kilometre to get the water.


Village Head Kunchema said she is grateful to World Vision for the intervention.

“I can’t express the joy that has come because of this supply of clean water. My subjects were suffering,” Kunchema said.

Project Manager, Panganani Njolomole, said he is satisfied with the outcome of the project.

“It is satisfying to see that people’s lives have been changed,” said Njolomole.

The three-year project is worth $10 million and is being financed by World Vision and Water for People.