Zambia Air Defence Command conducts Power tour

Zambia: The Air Officer Commanding Air Defence Command, Col Micheal M Mukuka, led personnel of Air Defence Command (ADC) and 15 Air Defence Unit (15 ADU) on a two-day tour of duty at the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Plant and the Kariba Hydro Power Station on 09 August 2023 and 10 August 2023, respectively.

Zambia Air Defence Command conducts Power tour

Zambia: The Air Officer Commanding Air Defence Command, Col Micheal M Mukuka, led personnel of Air Defence Command (ADC) and 15 Air Defence Unit (15 ADU) on a two-day tour of duty at the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Plant and the Kariba Hydro Power Station on 09 August 2023 and 10 August 2023, respectively.

The tour of duty began with the visit to the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Plant, where the team was received by the Power Plant Manager, Chambishi, who expressed happiness at the visit by the delegation.

The delegation was briefed that Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Plant is one of three hydropower plants which are spotted along the 1600km stretch of the Kafue River. The plant generates 762 mega watts, which translates to 22.7% of the total national hydropower capacity of 3300 mega watts.

Col Mukuka thanked the Manager for the opportunity given to Air Defence Command personnel to enhance their knowledge of the operations of ZESCO at the plant.

Chambishi expressed gratitude to the delegation for the visit and assured personnel that the doors to the plant remained open for more of such visits.

In Siavonga, the Air Officer Commanding Air Defence Command paid a courtesy call to the District Commissioner, Geoffrey Jakopo, at his office, and he thanked the DC for the support that his office continues to render to ZAF personnel stationed at the Siavonga detachment.

The DC was delighted to see men and women in uniform in the district and wished them a pleasant tour of duty while in the district.

Col Mukuka then led personnel to the Kariba Hydro Power Station, were they were warmly received by the Acting Kariba Hydro Power Station Manager, Engineer Songoyi, who later led the delegation on a conducted tour of the dam and the power generation house. Engineer Songoyi was delighted to receive the team and encouraged them to be ZESCO’s “ambassadors” and, with the additional knowledge, correct the myths that the general public may have about the institution.

The purpose of the tour of duty was to appreciate and enhance knowledge of the operations of the ZESCO with regards to Power generation.