Zambia: Fake soldier arrested,locked at Chisekesi Police Post

Zambia: In a significant turn of events, the Zambian Army has arrested a man named Sebba Milambo for impersonation. The Army believes him to be in his early 50s.

Milambo is currently detained at Chisekesi Police post in Southern Province, and police will soon be taking the accused to be presented in the court, as police believe that he has been using a Zambian Army uniform and masquerading as a soldier and disgracing not just the military but the identity of the country as a whole.


The motive of the man behind the criminal impersonation remains unclear, and investigating authorities are looking forward to the unfolding of the case.

Initial and preliminary reports indicate have formed a group that is wearing the Army combat around Chisekesi and the surrounding area for reasons yet to be established.

It is very well determined by the Zambia Army Public Relations and Foreign Liaison Director, Colonel Martin Kalaluka Liyungu, that Milambo’s case will be used as a precedent to curb and prevent others who are fond of committing similar crimes.

The military police and Zambia Police are keen to figure out the sources from where the accused has bought the uniforms and who else is keeping them in their homes.

Col Liyungu, therefore, warned that the Zambia Army would not tolerate such irresponsible behaviour by some members of the public who want to tarnish its name by engaging in criminal activities as the military is an institution which upholds the values of utmost discipline and integrity is determined to root out any elements engaging in illegal activities under the guise of being a soldier.

Incidences like these where a man with criminal impersonification disgraces the Army is Armytolerable The arrest of the Sebba Milambo sends out the unmistakable message that whoever indulges in activities like this will be caught and punished. Impersonification is not tolerated in the Army, and the Army is a deterrent to those contemplating committing similar crimes.
