Zimbabwe Police apprehends man aged 77 for attacking his son with axe

As per the reports, Bhunga grabbed an axe in rage which was hung in one of the rooms and hit his son on the forehead, stomach, shoulder and then at the back.

Zimbabwe Republic Police - ZRP
Zimbabwe Republic Police - ZRP

Zimbabwe: The National Police Team in Mashonaland East Province has apprehended an adult man identified as Titus Bhunga aged 77 for assaulting his son named Washington aged 36 with an axe over a misunderstanding.

Reportedly, the misunderstanding was caused when Bhunga bought beer for Washington’s Wife – Netsai Kanerutsine. Upon bringing the liquor Washington questioned his father regarding the issue.

After the incident, the father and the son got engaged in an argument that eventually turned into a physical fight.

As per the reports, Bhunga then grabbed an axe in rage which was hung in one of the rooms and hit his son on the forehead, stomach, shoulder and then at the back.

Washington’s wife Netsai reported the incident a Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Sadza on Feb 28, 2024 around 8:00 a.m. The police officers then attended the crime scene and arrested Titus Bhunga.

Reporting the case Inspector Chazovachiyi said that Washington sustained deep cuts on the face and the stomach and was then taken to Sadza District Hospital where he was admitted in a serious condition.

The inspectors mentioned that the case is still in progress and the matter is yet needs to be resolved.

With this, ZRP is investigating another death case of a young boy from Murehwa aged 12 whose remains were found in a cooler box.

The boy was identified as Arnold Gorembeu and went missing on Feb 23, 2024, while playing with his friends at Musami Business Centre. Arnold’s father went on a business trip after which this incident occurred.

As per the reports, on coming back the father assumed that his son was still playing somewhere with his friends and he immediately left to attend memorial service in nearby Chivhinge village.

After coming back from the memorial service the father realized that his son was missing and informed the other villagers and the search team, who searched the whole area to find the missing boy.

After sometime, the younger brother of Arnold found him one of the vending cooler box. Then, the report was made to the police and officers who attended the scene. Later the 12 year old boy was ferried to the mortuary for postmortem.