Zimbabwe showcases rich cuisines at ITB Berlin 2024

United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) conveyed that Gastronomy Tourism Conference is much more than the food. The event reflects the culture, heritage, traditions and sense of community of different people.

Minister of Tourism Barbara Rwodzi while showcasing rich cuisines of Zimbabwe during ITB Berlin 2024
Minister of Tourism Barbara Rwodzi while showcasing rich cuisines of Zimbabwe during ITB Berlin 2024

At “ITB Berlin 2024” Zimbabwe is showcasing the rich cuisine with a great opportunity to share the unique culinary traditions of the country with the world.

Food is a key aspect of any tourism experience, and Zimbabwe is sure to generate more interest and visitors through its gastronomy by sharing its delicious dishes with the world.


More than 800 participants have queued at Zimbabwe to stand for food and drink from Zimbabwe.

The country extends its gratitude to the First Lady of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Patron of Tourism – Dr Auxilia Mnangagwa for initiating the Gastronomy in the nation back in 2019. Along with promoting the Gastronomy initiative, the First Lady is also promoting the country’s culinary heritage by boosting Tourism in Zimbabwe and economic development.

Minister of Tourism Barbara Rwodzi while showcasing rich cuisines of Zimbabwe during ITB Berlin 2024
Minister of Tourism Barbara Rwodzi while showcasing rich cuisines of Zimbabwe during ITB Berlin 2024

Considering this, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) conveyed that the Gastronomy Tourism Conference is much more than the food. The event reflects different people’s culture, heritage, traditions and sense of community.

The officials have also stated that it is a way of promoting understanding among different cultures and of bringing people and traditions closer together.

Minister of Tourism of Zimbabwe – Barbara Rwodzi met with the Secretary General of UNWTO – Zurab Pololikashvili and his team to discuss the modalities and plan the ground-breaking First African Gastronomy Forum, which is going to be held in Victoria Falls from July 26, 2024 to July 28, 2024.

Zimbabwe showcasing rich cuisines during ITB Berlin 2024
Zimbabwe showcasing rich cuisines during ITB Berlin 2024

It will prove to be a great stride in the African Tourism as the forum will include the discussions on the UN Tourism Africa Academy that need to be constructed in Victoria Falls. Therefore, it marks an exciting chapter for Zimbabwe, showcasing its culinary richness and enhance tourism infrastructure.


Recently, at the Zimbabwe Day Cocktail at the just ended ITB Berlin 2024 show, a taste of Zim with favourite Zimbabwean delicacies from the guests’ reviews were served consisting of the eatbles such as Kariba bream fillet, fried, chimukuyu, chimukuyu chine dovi, smoked beef fillet, maguro nematumbu, oxtail, brown, rice nedovi, mazondo, nhopi, madora and matemba.

Tourism Minister Barbara Rwodzi of Zimbabwe showcasing rich cuisines during National Cookout Competition Day-1
Tourism Minister Barbara Rwodzi of Zimbabwe showcasing rich cuisines during National Cookout Competition Day-1

On the dessert station the courteous guests were mesmerised by some mawuyu mousse and yoghurt. During the beverages, the guests washed down some exotic mapfura wine, Chibuku Super and maheu.

Moreover, for the preparation of Gastronomy Tourism Forum the First Lady is looking upon the several hotel facilities that are need to be constructed in the resort city and are expected to help reduce the room deficiency of the country which is worth of over $2500.

Besides this, the tourism industry is busy in modernizing some tourism activities and is adding up new products to gastronomy tourism.