21 year old Chinsali man arrested for allegedly defiling 13 year old girl

A 13 year old girl from Vitondo Village in Chinsali District in Muchinga Province was allegedly defiled by a 21-year-old man of the same village on Tuesday.

21 year old Chinsali man arrested for allegedly defiling 13 year old girl
21 year old Chinsali man arrested for allegedly defiling 13 year old girl Image Credit: Facebook

Zambia: A 13 year old girl from Vitondo Village in Chinsali District in Muchinga Province was allegedly defiled by a 21-year-old man of the same village on Tuesday.

Confirming the matter to media, Muchinga Province Police Commanding Officer Paul Achiume said a 13-year-old girl from Vitondo Village was sexually abused by a 21-year-old man, identified as Levy Simukoko of the same village.

He disclosed that the incident happened on February 1, 2024, when the victim was collecting firewood in the bush.

Achiume stated that on February 1, 2024, the victim, who lives with her grandmother, was left home with her young brother while the grandmother went to attend a funeral.

He noted that, however, upon her return, she found the victim was not home, and when she inquired, she was informed that the victim had gone to collect firewood.

The Commanding Officer said the grandmother got concerned as it was getting late and the victim had not returned. With the help of the community, they started to search for the victim, but to no success.

“The victim is said to have only returned home at 9 in the night and after being questioned of her whereabouts she maintained that she went to collect firewood,” he said.

Furthermore, Achiume stated that the victim changed the story the following day on February 2, 2024, when she confessed that Simukoko attacked her and had unlawful and forceful carnal knowledge of her.

He said a certified medical report was issued, and the victim has since received treatment. “The matter was reported to the police, and the perpetrator has been apprehended waiting to appear in court,” he said.

Residents seemed in shock, and one of the neighbours said, “He should be sentenced to imprisonment for a period not less than 15 years so that kale… We don’t need RAPISTS in society. He deserves to be JAILED!!!”