Students brandish firearms at School in Durban – KZN

Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) has received reliable information last week on Tuesday that students at a secondary school in Durban - Kwazulu (name withheld) have 9mm pistols in their possession on school premises.

Students brandish firearms at School in Durban - KZN
Students brandish firearms at School in Durban - KZN Image Credit: Facebook

KwaZulu Natal (Durban): Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) has received reliable information last week on Tuesday that students at a secondary school in Durban – Kwazulu (name withheld) have 9mm pistols in their possession on school premises.

Reaction Officers are in possession of photographs of two (2) grade 9 male students brandishing a loaded weapon. According to the information received, the boys informed their friends that an uncle allowed them to take the weapon to school.

Then the boy asked them to show the pistol, and the students showed him, and then they filed a complaint to RUSA Officers that their firearm was stolen from a student’s bag when he fell asleep during classes. It was later recovered.

Fearing victimisation, witnesses in this incident said they were reluctant to report the matter to the School Governing Body (SGB) or Educators.

Residents seemed worried after the incident came to their attention, and especially parents seemed concerned. It is unimaginable that schools are not safe anymore in KZN, and the crime rate was already high in the city, said one of the parents.

Moreover, people seemed worried as the Crime rate in the country is increasing every second. One of the frustrated residents, Thabang Odirile Machipisa, said, “KZN needs to be relocated to Nigeria, Russia or Columbia because wow, every hour, KZN this and that, and the government are also sitting and watching people dying. We were also watching it until or unless things were not on our children. Now, students have started taking pistols in school…Like Seriously.”

Additionally, the crime is increasing 60 percent every second in KwaZulu Ntaal, Yesterday some unknown person killed father in front of his son and the child is in dilemma as he seemed his father dying in front of him.

They came and shot the father while arguing, and as per the sources, his father said nothing to them, only asking about the lift as his own car was not working.