Legonono & Lekgwapheng to recieve new primary schools

The administration of Kweneng District Council has hosted the ground breaking ceremony for the 2 new primary schools

Legonono & Lekgwapheng to recieve new primary schools
Legonono & Lekgwapheng to recieve new primary schools

Botswana: The administration of Kweneng District Council has hosted the ground breaking ceremony for the 2 new primary schools. The schools will be constructed in Legonono & Lekgwapheng. The officials have announced that the groundbreaking event was a success.

The construction of the school will help in providing better educational opportunities for the students and youngsters of the communities. The schools will also generate a number of jobs for the communities in question.

The schools will need teachers, support staff, administrators, educators and more for the smooth running and all-around development of the children. The members of the communities have been looking forward to the construction of the schools for several weeks.

The event was presided over by the Minister of Transport and Public Works Eric Molale. The event was hosted on Friday with the members of the community in attendance.

The Minister shared with the Community some details the Development Manager Model. He explained to the attendants of the groundbreaking ceremony how the model works.

The construction of these schools will be undertaken by DEVMCO Development Manager, he announced. The Minister of  Transport and Public Works Eric Molale said that DEVMCO has awarded these projects to citizen owned companies.

The next groundbreaking of the third school in the District will be held in Kopong Village on the 24th September 2024. The ceremony will be officiated by Vice President of the Republic of Botswana, Hon. Slumber Tsogwane.

The community is delighted with the announcement and is looking forwar to host the Vice President for the event. The groundbreaking for the schools being constructed in Legonono & Lekgwapheng was attended by several high level officers including:

  • Kabo Morwaeng, Kgosi Kgari Sechele III
  • Council Chairman Allen Jacob
  • Permanent Secretary (MTPW) K. Letshajwang
  • Permanent Secretary (Ministry Catalyst Coordinator- MTPW ) Jacob Raphalane and his team,
  • Council Secretary Olebile Kgollo Mafala, his Deputies and KwdC team
  • Deputy District Commissioner Innocent Maotwe and his office
  • The Umbrella VDC Chairperson Nnaanakoko and other notable guests.

The Kweneng District Council has extended their sincere gratitude to the people who attended the event.