Bulambo Village beat up CCPU officer for stealing maize

Bulambo Village beat up CCPU officer for stealing maize

Bulambo Village beat up CCPU officer for stealing maize, Image: facebook
Bulambo Village beat up CCPU officer for stealing maize, Image: facebook

Zambia: The members of the Bulambo Village community beat an individual for allegedly stealing maize from the village. The victim has been identified as a member of the Community Crime Prevention Unit (CCPU) under Luwingu Police.

The members of the community caught him at on of the village’s field and started beating the individual. According to the officials’ reports, the victim has survived the assault of his community members.

Th identity of the victim has been kept a secret to protect his reputation. He stealing maize in one of the fields in Bulambo village in Chief Tungati’s area.

The local media also got a whiff of the incident through word of mouth. According to a community member who declined to be named, the incident happened on Saturday around 19:00 hours.

The source explained talked to the media and shared the details about the incident. He said that the community decided to beat him up because he was a law enforcement officer.

The people of the village said that the alleged theif  was trusted by the Zambia Police in Luwingu District to prevent crime. However, he disappointed the people of his community as his actions were in direct contrast with his responsibility.

He said after a report was made, the community mobilised themselves and found him illegally harvesting the maize.

“The suspect is alleged to have entered a maize field around 19:00 hours when the owner was resting at home,” he added.

Irate residents pounced on the suspect and beat him using fists and sticks after he was caught red-handed stealing the maize.

The suspect was only rescued by some teachers from the nearby school.

Efforts to get a comment from Northern Province Police Commanding Officer Lucky Munkondya failed, as the phone went unanswered. The numbers of robbery incidents have seen a drastic rise in the light of the food shortage brought on by the dry season.

Drought and failed crops have caused several families to face acute food shortages, which

Several small-scale farmers in Luwingu have complained that their maize fields have been attacked by thieves who harvest and sell the maize to briefcase buyers.