Bulawayo: Young woman on run after brutally killing husband

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe: A 23-year-old woman named Trish Ndlovu stabbed her husband and killed him.

After killing her husband, Hillary Mugiyo, of the same age, she ran away to an unknown place. The incident took place last week over an undisclosed matter in Nkulumane 12, Bulawayo, around 2:00 p.m.


Reportedly, the Bulawayo Police is appealing to the locals to report any information which could help in arresting the absconding woman. The cops have asked for a private investigation and additional information that can lead to arrest the woman.

Photo of accused Trish Ndlovu
Photo of accused Trish Ndlovu

As per the sources, Bulawayo Acting Provincial spokesperson, Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele, heard from a neighbour to the couple that he was awakened by the noise coming from the couple’s house.

He narrated that after hearing the noise, he then proceeded to their residence and discovered a pool of blood in the passage and in the spare bedroom. The witness found the accused in the house and also had a conversation with her.

Trish Ndlovu told him that she had a fight with the now-deceased husband over an unrevealed issue. The woman confessed to him that she had stabbed her husband with a kitchen knife once in the neck.

Photographs from the place of incident
Photographs from the place of the incident

While explaining the story, the neighbour added to his statement that once the accused went outside the house, he checked upon the deceased man and found him lying on the ground facing upwards. The blood was oozing from his neck but he was showing the signs of life.

The neighbour told the police officers further that while he was seeking help from outside, the lady ran away and disappeared. Her whereabouts are still not known. Later on, an ambulance was called, after which Hillary Mugiyo was declared dead.


Notably, the police recorded the report and the body was transferred to United Bulawayo Hospitals for post-mortem. The case is still under investigation as the culprit is wanted.

Bulawayo records many such incidents frequently. Strict actions need to be taken as the locals find it unsafe to reside in the vicinity.