CCC Town Clerk applauds his team for successes on CDF

Chipata City Council Town Clerk Aaron Kamalondo held a press briefing to share information pertaining to the 2023 performance of the Local Authority in the two Constituencies, Chipata Central and Luangeni, respectively.

CCC Town Clerk applauds his Team for successes on CDF
CCC Town Clerk applauds his Team for successes on CDF Image Credit: Facebook

Zambia, Chipata: Chipata City Council Town Clerk Aaron Kamalondo held a press briefing to share information pertaining to the 2023 performance of the Local Authority in the two Constituencies, Chipata Central and Luangeni, respectively.

Kamalondo congratulated his Team and said all the programmes were undertaken, which currently stand at a one hundred percent completion rate and are being commissioned for use by the public.

He said the improvement in the time in which applications are approved has contributed to the Local Authority’s best performance.

The Chipata City Council Town Clerk revealed that under Community Projects in Luangeni Constituency, his Council had 34 beneficiaries, and a total sum of K17,724,059.00 was spent.

He said on the Secondary Boarding Bursaries, Luangeni had 169 beneficiaries at a total cost of K659,060.00 and that on Skills Development Bursaries, it had 258 beneficiaries at a total cost of K2 542 155.00.

Kamalondo disclosed that on Grants, 94 beneficiaries were recorded, and K2, 096, 290.00 was disbursed. The total amount of money that was paid out on Empowerment Loans in Luangeni amounted to K3,244,715.00.

The Chipata City Council Town Clerk, in his address to the Media, said in Chipata Central Constituency, K16,814,450.00 was disbursed on 17 Community Projects.

He said Secondary Boarding had recorded 208 beneficiaries, and K1, 506, 195.00 was spent. Mr. Kamalondo added that with the Skills Development Bursaries, a total sum of K3,417,080.00 was paid out with a record of 306 beneficiaries.

On Grants, he said 107 beneficiaries benefitted and that K2, 149, 928.00 was disbursed, with 26 beneficiaries on Empowerment Loans spending a total sum of K3, 220, 250.00.

Residents seemed happy about the BA’s good reports and congratulated the Chipata Council for successfully completing the report.

One of the residents said it seems hard for the Council to complete their work; it’s too rare to see this.

“Congratulations, BA chipata, for the good report,” said the user. Moreover, the Chipata Council appealed to the public to support them, and they said, “We are humbled. Continue giving us your support, Cecilia.”