Chinsali District trains teachers for learners with special needs

Ministry of Education in Chinsali District is currently training 460 teachers with skills in dealing with learners living with disabilities

Chinsali District trains teachers for learners with special needs, Image: facebook
Chinsali District trains teachers for learners with special needs, Image: facebook

Zambia: The Ministry of Education in Chinsali District has taken the initiative to train 460 teachers with skills in dealing with learners living with disabilities. These students need extra attention and support from their peers in the community.

Accordingly, the teachers dealing with students in these special circumstances also need special training. Some of these special needs students are deaf, mute or blind, which requires a change in the methods of teaching catered to the needs of the students.

The training is being held under the Tusambilile Chapamo project supported by Sightsavers Zambia. The project is being overseen by Chinsali District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Ireen Kambalakoko.

During a partner review meeting DEBS Secretary Kambalakoko highlighted the success of the initiative. She said that the teachers have been equipped with knowledge that will ensure the inclusive education agenda is achieved.

Further Kambalakoko disclosed that the training of teachers has resulted in 903 learners with disabilities to start attending school. The students can now get access to the extra support that they need, which makes it easier for them to pursue education.

The project will conclude in January 2025, accordingly, the members of the Ministry of Education want to make sure more learners with disabilities are in school. The ministry wants to give them the opportunity to learn together with their friends.

Meanwhile, Sightsavers Zambia Muchinga Province Programmes Manager Austin Tolokesi also spoke about the significance of the project. She highlighted that various stakeholders have been implored to continue sensitising the community members.

The organization is keen to spread awareness on disability, stigma and discrimination even after the end of the project.

Further, Tolokesi noted that the sensitisation of the community will further help increase the number of learners with disabilities to be in schools.

Meanwhile, Muchinga Province Senior Education Standards Officer Thomas Mayaka appreciated the training programme for the teachers. He highlighted that the initiative was most commendable

Mayaka stated that the teachers have been equipped with special knowledge of spearheading inclusive education. He added that since the project started in Muchinga Province, the Ministry of Education has recorded a positive response from the community in bringing their children with disabilities to schools.