Choma man arrested for attempting to burn wife alive

The police force has arrested a man identified as Smart from Choma district for attempting to set his wife on fire

Choma man arrested for attempting to burn wife alive, Image: facebook
Choma man arrested for attempting to burn wife alive, Image: facebook

Zambia: The police force has arrested a man from Choma district for trying to set his wife on fire. The eyewitness has identified the suspect in front of the police officers as  According to the police reports, incident happened because the couple had a fight previously.

The incident was reported to the police by an eyewitness who prefers to remain anonymous. The intended victim of the crime is safe and receiving treatment in the Choma general Hospital after her husband attempted to kill her.

The person who reported the incident to the Police identified the victim as carol. He also revealed that the suspect works at a garage in the community.

He had left his work around 20:00 Hours on Sunday, after which the couple picked up a fight. The reason for the disagreement can not be established by the police officers who are investigating the incident.

The officials have interviewed the witness for further details on the incident. He revealed that between 01:00 and 02:00 hours, Monday, the victim was heard screaming.

Alerted by the noise, some neighbours took the initiative to check on the woman in her house. When the neighbours looked into the house through their windows, a fire spotted at the suspect’s house.

It was also reported that the wife was locked inside the house before it had been set on fire. On realizing that the woman was unsafe, some men from the neighbourhood went into the house inspite the fire.

They broke the door of the house and rescued the victim. She was subsequently transported to the Choma General Hospital for the treatment.

Meanwhile, the witnesses have claimed that the suspect frequently abused and hit his wife even in the past. He was later taken into custody by some community members and handed over to Police.

An inquiry into the incident has been forwarded, with Southern Province Commissioner of Police, Auxensio Daka, yet to confirm the happening. The people of the community took to social media to express their disappointment on his actions.