DA Sports Vybez on Women’s football in Dominica

Dominica: DA Sports Vybez, about Women's football, recently stated that "The state of women's football in Dominica does not just rest on the Dominica Football Association but a number of top coaches and people we consider "some of the best coaches".

DA Sports Vybez on 'Women's football in Dominica
DA Sports Vybez on 'Women's football in Dominica iMage credit: DA Sports VYBEZ Facebook page

Dominica: DA Sports Vybez, about Women’s football, recently stated that “The state of women’s football in Dominica does not just rest on the Dominica Football Association but a number of top coaches and people we consider “some of the best coaches”.

DA Sports VYBEZ stated, “There is no doubt we should always honour people for their work, but there is one more thing that we should do, and that is constructive critics.”

Yesterday, One of the biggest letdowns was the Goodwill Runners Team. The team Goodwill have won over 15 Championships and has totally dominated football in Dominica.

Today, Goodwill should have the biggest women’s football academy in Dominica and the region. This team’s players used to dominate the national teams. They always have made up a high percentage of the national team.

With a community that dominates a sport that was developing, they had to help build the foundation for the future.

Furthermore, they also commended the DFA on the growing women’s football programme. There is no doubt that more ladies are coming on board, and teams are forming in different communities.

The senior players must branch out and challenge themselves. The national women’s teams could have more success, but the majority of players who made up the national team are on one team.

Harlem started with three players who really knew the game, ‘Alijah, Naima and Keanna’. All the other ladies were built around them, and they themselves blossomed, and some even made the national teams.

Then other players came in every now and then. Players and coaches need to challenge themselves, and when that happens, the national team will improve.

DA Sports also said women are always hungry to play. The DFA must also have a proper schedule plan for women’s football because it doesn’t take much to have competitions.

Harlem/NJFA, together with 767 Sports club, used to always plan activities for the ladies.

DA Sports VYBEZ also mentioned that they need to find ways to market the women. They need to get to US Colleges and play with other Athletes to improve their standards.