FAZ ethics committee lifts ban on Simataa

Zambia: The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) Ethics Committee finally lifted the ban on SIMATAA on Friday. This ban was imposed on Simataa Simataa in April 2018. The infringement was in line with breaches of Article 13 (3) of the 2012 FIFA Code of Ethics.

The Football Association of Zambia shared the news of lifting the ban on their official Facebook account in which they said, Finally, after five years, Ethics Committee lifted the ban, and this is one of the most awaited news with the audience.”


FAZ General Secretary Reuben Kamanga says, “Ethics Committee sat and reviewed its decision to ban the former FAZ president Simataa Simataa”.

“Given all the circumstances surrounding this matter, the Ethics Committee, guided by established standard principles of comfortable satisfaction and personal conviction of the panel, forthwith lifts the life ban sanction imposed on Simataa Simataa,” reads part of the verdict by the Ethics Committee.

Simataa Simataa was served a life ban in April 2018 for breaching the FAZ Ethics Code. The contravention was in line with breaches of Article 13 (3) of the 2012 FIFA Code of Ethics.

Kamanga says Simataa was now free to participate in any football activity after the review of his ban by the Ethics Committee.

“We welcome Simataa back to football and wish him all the best. Football can still gain a lot from his vast experience,” Kamanga says.

And Simataa has expressed gratitude to FAZ for lifting his ban. “I would like the FAZ for being magnanimous enough to review their own decision even as per FIFA requirements of the FIFA Ethics Code. They have done a good thing.”


Simataa further says, “I would like to thank all my friends who have stood by me all this time; I just want to say let us move on, let us go ahead. Football is for all of us.”