Fiji: PM continues to receive congratulatory messages from pacific leaders

Fiji: Congratulatory messages from both the global and regional countries continue to be conveyed to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sitiveni Rabuka.

Fiji: PM continues to receive congratulatory messages from pacific leaders
Fiji: PM continues to receive congratulatory messages from pacific leaders Image credit: Fiji Govt Facebook Page

Fiji: Congratulatory messages from both the global and regional countries continue to be conveyed to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sitiveni Rabuka.

President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, David Kabua, in a congratulatory letter, extended sincere congratulations and his best wishes to Prime Minister Rabuka.

He said Fiji’s recent elections reflect the confidence that the people of Fiji have in the strong leadership of Prime Minister Rabuka.

“I look forward to working closely with you to advance our bilateral and multilateral affairs within the framework of the Pacific Islands Forum, the United Nations and other regional and international institutions, as well as to strengthen the bonds of friendship and kinship among the people and countries of the Blue Pacific region.”

President David Kabua commended Prime Minister Rabuka for his commitment and prompt actions to resolve the Fiji-USP disagreement.

He said, “Your timely action on the USP matter augurs well for Fiji and the Blue Pacific region as a whole.”

Te Beretitenti of the Republic of Kiribati, His Excellency Taneti Maamau, conveyed his warmest congratulations and best wishes to Prime Minister Rabuka.

He said the vision that Prime Minister Rabuka carried during the election campaign resonated strongly with the people of Fiji and remained the enduring pillar that bestowed the Fiji Government’s coalition with overwhelming support.

“Your election as Prime Minister also resounded strongly across our Blue Pacific Continent, including Kiribati, and signals a new era of an enduring partnership, cooperation, and friendship of our Pacific family.

“I am confident that under your leadership, our rich Pacific tradition of friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation between our two Governments and nations will continue to strengthen and expand in the years to come.”

His Excellency Taneti Maamau looks forward to working closely with Prime Minister Rabuka to further enrich the long-standing bilateral relations and the strategic partnership of both nations in multilateral forums, including desired goals under the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 2050 Blue Pacific Strategy, among other regional and international commitment.

President of the Republic of Palau, Honourable Surangel Whipps Jr., while congratulating Prime Minister Rabuka, reaffirmed Palau’s commitment to the Pacific family in addressing common challenges-mainly climate change and ocean issues.

“And our pursuit of finding solutions to address the climate crisis is more than just a desire but a commitment to our people that we will find the means necessary to save our homes. As Small Island Developing States (SIDS), we are the most vulnerable but often overlooked, so we must be united in our pursuit.

“Mr Prime Minister, to succeed in our pursuit, we must work together collectively. And I look forward to working with you and together with our other colleagues in the region to bring solutions and sustainable development to our people to create a future our children deserve,” the President of Palau said.

Expressing similar sentiments, Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu Alatoi Ishmael Kalsakau conveyed his heartfelt congratulations to Prime Minister Rabuka, and he looks forward to working closely with Fiji’s new Prime Minister and the Fiji Government on issues of common interest.

Vanuatu’s Prime Minister said as instrumental co-chair of the Subcommittee on “The 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, endorsed by the Forum Leaders in Suva last year, Vanuatu looks forward to Fiji’s strong leadership to harness development partners’ cooperation and input in the Strategy’s implementation and also Fiji’s strong regional and global leadership on issues of common interest such as climate change, natural disasters and environmental protection and harnessing people-centred development.

“And, as Chair of the MSG, I look forward to Fiji’s support in reinvigorating our subregional grouping, in ensuring that the Pacific region remains a region “of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion and prosperity, that ensures all Pacific peoples can lead-free, healthy and productive lives”, to borrow from the Leaders’ vision for 2050,” Prime Minister Kalsakau said.