Gaborone: Butchery, church charged for illegal waste disposal

The Gaborone city council has charged another group of individuals for unlawful disposal of waste in the various parts of the city.

Gaborone: Butchery, church charged for illegal waste disposal, Image: facebook
Gaborone: Butchery, church charged for illegal waste disposal, Image: facebook

Botswana: The Gaborone city council has charged another group of individuals for unlawful disposal of waste in various parts of the city. The Progressive for International Church and All-H butchery were charged for dumping illegal waste sites.

Both organizations share the same compound and have been held equally responsible for the offence. The authorities have shared some images of the site where the church and butchery disposed of the garbage.

As per the officials of Gaborone City, The two facilities

The authorities of the Gaborone City Council have increased their efforts to maintain the cleanliness of the city. The people of the country have been warned on numerous occasions to maintain cleanliness in the region.

The Gaborone City Council authorities have been conducting thorough checks throughout the various areas of the city. In the last two months, many residents of the city have been fined and directed to clean up the location.

The officials have shared that the Progressive for International Church in Bontleng has been charged for depositing waste. The garbage was found along Independence Avenue in White City.

Further, the Gaborone City Council traced all the dumped waste to All-H Butchery. The butchery was also charged with accumulating waste and allowing waste to escape.

The two authorities were ordered to clean the area and submit a disposal slip upon return from the waste disposal site.  The officials have been directing the offenders to clear up the sites.

If a person fails to comply with the council’s direction, they are fined up to thousands of pula. The district’s people have applauded the officials for their dedication to keeping the city clean and pristine.

Comments saying good job are featured on the social media posts of the City Council.

Some social media users have also suggested that officials increase the fines they charge to dissuade people from littering.

The council has been connected to the people of the council and acting on many of their suggestions.