Gift of the givers donates wheelchair supplies to paralyzed boy

Gift of the givers Malawi has recently donated a wheelchair to a young boy for the better quality of life for the boy

Gift of the givers donate wheelchair supplies to paralyzed boy, Image: facebook
Gift of the givers donate wheelchair supplies to paralyzed boy, Image: facebook

Malawi: Gift of the givers Malawi has recently donated a wheelchair to a young boy for the better quality of life for the boy. The beneficiary who received the donation has been identified as Shabilu who has been paralyzed from the age of 2 years.

The boy and his family are residents of the Nkola Village in Machinga District.

The boy suffered a short illness which left him unable to move freely and independently. The family of the young boy is financially vulnerable. They have been struggling to provide for the young boy and his siblings.

His mother has carried him on her back for years. According to the officials of the Malawi chapter of the Gift of the Givers, the family has little support in caring for the young boy

The mother is caring for the boy, doing the chores, taking him to the hospital for several years. The officials of the non-government organization reached out to the family who has been working hard to support the young boy.

They interviewed the family and got the story of the incident. The family shared that Shabilu was reduced to crawling on his knees and hands when not on his mother’s back.

The young boy, according to the organization never had the simple joy of a wheelchair. His family faced immense challenges in trying to support their boy.

Shabilu’s predicament putting a strain on their ability to afford a decent home, proper clothes, and food. Shabilu’s mother, torn between caring for him and providing for her three other children, has been facing difficulties in securing casual labour.

The Non-Government-Organization has been working diligently to make sure that they can provide some support to the family. While extending a helping hand to the family,  Gift of the Givers provided Shabilu with a much-needed wheelchair and diapers.

The organization took to their social media account to share the story of the young boy. They said that they recognize the importance of dignity and independence.

Further, the non government organization also provided essential food supplies and clothes for the entire family. The aim of the donation was to ease the daily challenges they face.

Shabilu’s story is a testament to resilience and the power of collective compassion. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of individuals like Shabilu.