Governor Manytuil, teachers discuss education improvement in Bentiu IDP’s camp

Bentiu: Governor Dr Joseph Manytuil Wejang on Tuesday met with Teachers teaching in the Bentiu IDPs camp to listen to in person the challenges and conditions hindering the progress of education in the IDP camp.

Governor Manytuil, teachers discuss education improvement in Bentiu IDP's camp
Governor Manytuil, teachers discuss education improvement in Bentiu IDP's camp Image credit: Governor office Facebook Page

Bentiu: Governor Dr Joseph Manytuil Wejang on Tuesday met with Teachers teaching in the Bentiu IDPs camp to listen to in person the challenges and conditions hindering the progress of education in the IDP camp.

The meeting aims to discuss challenges facing teachers and students and find amicable solutions in the collective effort to fight against illiteracy in the Bentiu IDPs camp. Thriving to promote peace and unity among the IDPs communities through educational development by addressing issues of adequate teachers in Primary and Secondary schools and a conducive environment for learning.

The meeting also emphasized on Girl Child Education Programme and improvements made so far due to the increase of female Students at Secondary schools.

Addressing the Teachers at Youth Center, Sector Two in Bentiu IDPs camp, Governor Dr Joseph Manytuil Wejang appreciated all teachers teaching in Bentiu IDPs camp for dedicating their effort and providing equal education and knowledge to schools children in Bentiu IDPs camp.

He said, “As the result of your extraordinary achievement and what you rendered to our people through teaching for the last eight years. I officially declared Teacher Day to be organized in Bentiu IDPs camp to celebrate your achievement and extend our appreciation and thanks to you, both teachers and parents, for your immense contribution towards the foundation and progress of education in Unity State and Bentiu IDPs camp in particular.

H.E Governor Dr Joseph Manytuil Wejang assured the commitment of his government to implement the outlined challenges by Teachers and parents.

1. Installation of solar energy in the library and youth centre to enhance students’ performance during examinations.

2. Recruitment of Volunteers teachers in Bentiu IDPs camp to the State Ministry of General Education and Instructions.

3. Deployment of Police units in Bentiu IDPs camp to boost security and to curb night crimes mostly caused by gangs or Niggas.

4. School feeding and provision of scholastic materials to the students during the examination.

5. Establishment of Teacher Training Centers to build the capacity of teachers and provide equal education to our students.

Governor Dr Joseph Manytuil Wejang added that the State government would cater the responsibility to pay tuition fees for students studies in Primaries and Secondary schools to relieve the burden from our mothers who used to pay tuition school fees through selling firewood and charcoal, but the flood submerged everywhere including the places where they get firewood and charcoal.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Speaker, Rt John Gatluak Doar, State Advisors and Ministers and Chairperson of CHC in Bentiu IDPs camp.