Hasene International donates food to Chongwe district

Hasene International has donated assorted food items to 150 underprivileged people in Chongwe central ward

Hasene International donates food to Chongwe district, Image: facebook
Hasene International donates food to Chongwe district, Image: facebook

Zambia: Hasene International has donated assorted food items to 150 underprivileged people in Chongwe central ward. The donation was also made to the patients at the District Hospital in Chongwe.

The Muslim organization based in Germany made the donation in line with their social responsibility. The donation also aligns with the Alms giving tradition which is practiced by Muslims across the world.


Muslims Social Welfare Trust Vice Chairperson Haroon Zulu delivered a bried address at the handover of the food items to recipients. He noted that the Muslim community decided to share the food with vulnerable people in the area.

He further noted that charity and donation is a requirement for those practicing the Islamic faith.

Vice Chairperson Zulu stated that it is the duty of everyone practicing the Islamic faith to share what they have with the less privileged in society as it is written in the quran. He thanked HASENE International for showing compassion to the people who received the food items through the donation.

Meanwhile, Chongwe District Health Director Mweene Nseluke thanked the organisation for extending the donation to patients at Chongwe District Hospital adding that the food items will help management at the health facility to feed patients.

Dr. Nseluke stated the food will also improve the nutritional status of patients admitted at the hospital.

He commended the Muslim community for remaining consistent towards supporting the welfare of people in local communities of Chongwe by providing health care services.


“You have been an all-weather partner in supporting our communities and everywhere you go here in Chongwe, residents are appreciating the health services you offer in communities through the community outreach health services,” Dr. Nseluke said.

Further, a beneficiary of the donation Faides Phiri has also come forward to extend his gratitude to the  thanked HASENE International for coming to the aid of the vulnerable in the area and further implored the Muslim community in the country to continue supporting the welfare of underprivileged.