Indiscipline in Advanced School of Mass Comm leads to expulsion of 2nd year students

The incident of theft, drug use, chronic absenteeism and even accusations of witchcraft and homosexual activities were also reported that has destroyed the learning environment for months.

Photograph of Advanced School of Mass Comm
Photograph of Advanced School of Mass Comm

Cameroon: The Advanced School of Mass Communication (ASMAC) has suspended students of 2nd year on Monday, April 15, 2024, over stealing the phone that followed the increase in indiscipline.

The Director of the School, Prof. Francois Marc Modzom, stated the reason for the suspension on Monday that the suspension was due to ‘collective indiscipline’, but gave no further explanation about it.


Reportedly, the incident which led to expulsion was, when a second-year journalism student’s iPhone XR was stolen.

The students then went to see an Imam on the advice of her comrade and found that the thief was one of her classmates.

As per the sources, the phone was found on April 09, 2024 and since then, the young woman who handed over the device has been the victim of insults from her classmates to the point where it almost created a scene and caused the fight.

Prof Francois Marc Modzom, Director of Advanced School of Mass Comm
Prof Francois Marc Modzom, Director of Advanced School of Mass Comm

Prof. Modzom said that the readmission of each and every student is ‘conditional on the presentation of an individual commitment letter signed by the student and their official parents’.

The misconduct, the reason cited for this drastic measure, was the prevalence of collective indiscipline within the class and alarmed its level.

On search, it was found that the revelations shed light on the gravity of the situation within the affected class. The incidents of theft, drug use, chronic absenteeism, and even accusations of witchcraft and homosexual activities were also reported to have destroyed the learning environment for months.


Moreover, a few days ago, two students were apprehended for stealing phones, but one of the phones was successfully traced and given back to its owner.

In addition, three laptops were also reported stolen. The deteriorating situation report cites that several instructors, including Director Modzom, have suspended their teaching activities in recent days and deemed the environment as ‘untenable’.

The Advanced School of Mass Communication (ASMAC) is also known by its French name ESSTIC. Its administration is now facing the daunting task of restoring order and discipline within the institution.

A total of 12 students are now facing disciplinary proceedings as the issue was addressed by the officials, contributing to the misconduct.

The Advanced School of Mass Communication (ASMAC) is an institution of higher learning that focuses on professionalism, based in Yaoundé, Cameroon.