Kenya-based Blogger Wazua Kenya calls Government corrupt

Kenya: One of the Kenya-based bloggers, Wazua Kenya, bashed the Government for becoming irresponsible by day. He criticized the recently introduced charges on Identity cards, Passport costs, visa Applications and other government-offered services. Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki recently launched these charges.

Kenya-based Blogger Wazua Kenya calls Government corrupt
Kenya-based Blogger Wazua Kenya calls Government corrupt Image Credits: Facebook

Kenya: One of the Kenya-based bloggers, Wazua Kenya, bashed the Government for becoming irresponsible by day. He criticized the recently introduced charges on Identity cards, Passport costs, visa Applications and other government-offered services. Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki recently launched these charges.

Wazua Kenya said these recently introduced charges on official ID cards and other Government services are entirely unfair and unnecessary.


In order to prove his point, he compiled several facts about how these irrelevant and false charges are causing Violations of Human rights.

As per Wazua, charging new and replaced identity cards violates the principles of inclusiveness and further intrigues the UN Human Rights Universal Declaration of 1948. This Declaration states that every person has a right to a Nationality.

With this, he again attacked the Government in his blog. He criticised them by questioning how it can claim this right while basic proof of it is suddenly Extremely expensive to achieve.

Further, Wazua also highlighted the inefficiencies the people have faced when dealing with the system.

He shared that the ID issuance process is currently cumbered by a very complicated and citizen-unfriendly system of rights from the Registrar of Persons’ offices. The government officers demand bribes from non-registered citizens in exchange for them getting their identity cards.

Stressing over these corrupt and unfair tactics, Wazua called it an unlawful and privileged act for those who can afford to pay.


“Adding costs to this Process ( Exaggerated Costs, for that matter) will not only make this process impossible but also make it a privilege for the few who can afford it,” he added.

Further, raising questions on these current ongoing procedures, Wazua asked the Government, “How do you expect to support vote registration processes by the IEBC while getting a simple Identity card is now a dream for the Poor and marginalized communities?”

“Form 4 leavers will now have to choose between Saving for Extremely expensive Higher education and Saving for an Identity card to prove their citizenship in a country they were born. Surely, this is a man-eat-man society”, he continued while recalling all these hardships people face.

Adding more to the update, Wazua said this government needs to catch up with the hustlers they swore to protect.

From Fuel prices to High food prices to now Charging Issuance of ID cards, there is a clear indication that the saviour is out to devour his People. The hearts of the people have turned to stone.

At last, he looked hopeful with the work being done by the opposition party. He praised the leader and said, “Dear William Samoei Ruto,You made us feel hopeful when we elected you.”

He expressed that he was disheartened by the current government and said, “Now, we feel like you are one of the worst mistakes we have made.We feel cheated and betrayed by your Luck of empathy towards an already overburdened Citizen.”

“People might forget what you do to them, but never forget how you made them feel.The mountain will shift,” he continued.