Kenya Forest Service, TVET hold Tree planting exercise in Nairobi

Kenya Forest Service is hosting a tree planting exercise in collaboration with the State Department of TVET.

Kenya Forest Service, TVET hold Tree planting exercise in Nairobi, Image: Facebook
Kenya Forest Service, TVET hold Tree planting exercise in Nairobi, Image: Facebook

Kenya: Kenya Forest Service is hosting a tree planting exercise in collaboration with the State Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training. The event was hosted under the National Tree Growing Restoration Campaign.

The administration of Nairobi County has been working to restore the green zones in the various parts of the country. The tree planting exercise was hosted at the Kenya School of TVET in Nairobi County.

Through this plantation initiative, the Nairobi County Administration wants to sensitize the people of the country to the importance of planting trees. The people of the country have expressed their delight at the initiative taken by the officials of Nairobi County.

The exercise was led by the Permanent Secretary of the State Department of TVETs, Dr Esther Muoria. During the event, the participants planted 200 tree seedlings in the Kenya School of TVET. She noted that the Greening TVET is a great success among the stakeholders of the TVET institute.

The campaign encourages students and lecturers alike to be champions in greening the environment. Further, the exercise is also helping the people of Kenya attain the presidential directive of 30% tree cover by 2032.

The President of Kenya, William has tasked all the people of the country to work towards covering 30 percent of the country’s landmass with tree cover. The initiative will help the country in becoming an active participant in climate action.

The Nairobi County Forest Conservator Margaret Wanjiru and her team provided technical support for tree planting. Principals, lecturers, and students from Kiambu, Kabete, Nairobi and PC Kinyanjui Polytechnics and Training Institutes took part in the exercise.

The Kenya Forest Service shared the images and glimpses from the exercise while encouraging other members of the country to organize similar initiatives. The social media users applauded the Kenya Forest Service for their diligent work.

One of the comments encouraged the organization through their words, “Concerted efforts to meet the target. Eyes on the price, we shall get there. #15Million

Further, comments of “good work” and “trees for better life”  also showed the people’s support to their president and Kenya Forest Service’s 2032 vision.