Kenya participates in Forestry Expert group meeting of UNFF, Bangkok, Thailand

Kenya: The Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF), Julius Kamau, EBS, today participated in Day one of the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) contribution to the 2030 Agenda, Involvement of Regional/Subregional partners and major groups and stakeholders scheduled to take place from 11th - 13th January 2023 at the United Nations Economic and Social Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand.

Kenya participates in Forestry Expert group meeting of UNFF, Bangkok, Thailand
Kenya participates in Forestry Expert group meeting of UNFF, Bangkok, Thailand Image credit: Kenya Forest Facebook Page

Kenya: The Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF), Julius Kamau, EBS, today participated in Day one of the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) contribution to the 2030 Agenda, Involvement of Regional/Subregional partners and major groups and stakeholders scheduled to take place from 11th – 13th January 2023 at the United Nations Economic and Social Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand.

UNFF is an intergovernmental policy forum which promotes the conservation, management, and sustainable development of all types of forests and strengthens long-term commitments to this end.

Kenya is a member state and has been actively participating in key UNFF meetings and working sessions. The CCF is the National (Kenya) Focal Point of UNFF.



The objective of the EGM is to provide an opportunity for members of the forum, regional and subregional partners, Collaborative Partnership on Forests member organisations and major groups to review and discuss the results of the work of the assessment report on the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) resolution 2022/17 on the contribution of UNFF to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, involvement of regional and sub-regional partners and major groups and relevant stakeholders.

The first day’s session focused on providing review comments on the assessment report on “Action related to contributions to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.

The assessment is part of the preparations for the UNFF’s midterm review in 2024 of the effectiveness of the International Arrangement on Forest in meeting its objectives, as set out in paragraphs 28-31 of ECOSOC resolutions 2022/17.

Image cerdit: Kenya Facebook Page

The CCF underscored the need to profile the importance of forests to other sectors of the economy, including their critical role in addressing the adverse effect of climate change and; to strengthen the preparation and submission of Voluntary National Reporting by the member states.

This would help ensure that key forest messages and policy recommendations find their way into High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) declarations.

The meeting started with an official opening statement from the Director UNFF Secretariat, Dr Juliette Biao Koudenoukpo.

Present also during the opening session was the Chair of the UNFF 18/19 Bureau Ambassador Zephyrin Maniratanga and who is also the Permanent Representative of Burundi to the United Nations.