Macbeth Wansambo calls for positive attitude for inmates in MPS

Malawi Prison Services Acting Public Relations Officer, Macbeth Wansambo has inspired the people to remain positive towards inmates

Macbeth Wansambo calls for positive attitude for inmates in MPS, Image: facebook
Macbeth Wansambo calls for positive attitude for inmates in MPS, Image: facebook

Malawi: Malawi Prison Services Acting Public Relations Officer for the northern region, Macbeth Wansambo has inspired the people to remain positive towards inmates.

The officials has asked that the public should participate in supportive initiatives that are geared towards their reformation. The officials have shared that it is important for the public to extend their support to the prison inmates.

The individuals serving sentences should be able to feel that they will be welcomed back into the society after their sentences. The prison inmates usually need significant support and encouragement to return to society.

Macbeth Wansambo shared the remarks during the event on Saturday. At the same time, she was at a Mzuzu based charity organization, Azimayi Reachout and Touch.

She also appreciated inmates and donated assorted groceries and food items to Mzuzu Prison. The Malawi Prison Services Acting Public Relations Officer wants to make the life of the inmates easier.

He said currently the prison service is embarking on various programs in education and vocation activities that are aimed at effectively reforming individuals serving time at the correctional centre.

“As an institution we have moved away from punitive measures and are working on the concept of using correctional measures. We involve inmates in various vocational trades such as tailoring, carpentry, farming and fisheries.

He said the service is also providing school and vocation studies to inmates so that they become productive citizens after completing serving their jail terms.

He said the public needs to view prisons as correctional centres not punitive institutions and asked for assistance that would support the service achieve its goals.

“We appeal to stakeholders and well-wishers to help us improve our income-generating projects, ensuring a satisfying experience for inmates and efficient operations said Wansambo.

Commenting on the matter, Chairperson of Azimayi Reach Out and Touch Group, Given Mushani said inmates require support.

Our vision is to help the needy, and we visited Mzuzu Prison to fulfill that. We recognize that inmates, despite their status, are people in need of various support. They are people who the society oftentimes neglect, said Mushani.