Makasa road in Malole Constituency in need of rehabilitation

Mpanda Ward Councillor, Wisdom Chileshe has expressed his concern on the death of the concern at the poor state of Chimba - Makasa road

Zambia: Mpanda Ward Councillor, Wisdom Chileshe has expressed his concern on the death of the concern at the poor state of Chimba – Makasa road. The road is situated in the Malole Constituency in Mungwi District.

The officials have shared that the members of the community are concerned about their peace and safety. The officials have shared that the road which leads to his ward is in bad state and requires urgent government intervention.

The civic leader spoke to the media regarding their need to ensure the development of the nation disclosed that the road gets worse especially during the rainy season and that if not worked on, it will be impossible to use it in the next rainy season.

He noted that the road is significant for people in the area to have access to the central business district as well as farmers who transport their farm produce to the market.

Ward Councillor Chileshe noted that the poor state of the road is affecting the social and economic development of the ward.

“Currently farmers are facing challenges to transport their produce because the road is bad, we do not know what will happen as we go into the rainy season,” Mr Chileshe bemoaned.

He complained that the road has been neglected for a long time hence its current state.

The Ward councillor also added that Chileshe added that officers from the Ministry of Health are finding it difficult to manage referrals from Makasa Rural Health Post due to the state of the road.

“The Chimba – Makasa Road is very crucial for the locals to have access to better services to the central business district. In my ward, there’s only a rural health post. One needs to travel for over 120 kilometers to access better medical services at Mungwi District Hospital which is impossible under the current state of the road especially for pregnant women in case of complications,” Mr Chileshe said.

A good road network is important especially in rural areas where access to markets and specialized health care depends on roads.