MaQueen Letsoha-Mathae hosts March for justice to end GBV

South Africa: The Premier of Free State, MaQueen Letsoha-Mathae will join the people of the Province in a March for Justice.” The march will be hosted as a stand against Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF).

The Premier will use the march as a platform to raise awareness and encourage people of the community to fight against gender-based violence. She is expected to encourage the participants of the march to raise their voices against these crimes.


The Premier of Free State has invited the people of the various communities of Free state to convene on Wednesday in Bloemfontein. The officials have shared that the march  was convened after the killing of 41 yeear old Judith Mpho Moalusi.

Moalusi was a victim of gender based violence and was murdered by her boyfriend on June 16. The march would serve as an opportunity for the people of the province to honor the life of the victim and seek justice for her.

Many sectors and associations of society are coming together to organize the event.  At the event, the Premier highlighted that the she wants the government to take a stance of zero tolerance for Gender Based Violence.

The premier added that all the members of the community should unite and pledge to end gender based violence in all its forms.

Premier Letsoha-Mathae maintains that abuse like economic abuse, blesser syndrome, illegal labour practises, emotional abuse, physical abuse, continue at alarming levels. Accordingly, the government must work together with society to condemn, and end the evil of gender based violence and femicide.

She noted that it is important to make sure that all the people of South Africa act to protect victims from abuse. The action of the people would ensure that the society is safer for all members of the society.


The mandate can not be achieved by the government as they work alone. Accordingly, it is very important for all sectors of society to come together and safer communities.

Gender-based violence is a societal issue, and must be addressed by all sectors of society”, said Premier MaQueen Letsoha-Mathae.

The march is arranged as follows:

STARTING POINT: Hoffman Square, Bloemfontein


DATE: Wednesday, 26 June 2024

END POINT: Bloemfontein Magistrate Court