Minors discover murder victim: Buffelsdraai – KZN

South Africa, KwaZulu Natal (KZN), Buffelsdraai: Five (5) minors discovered the body of a man next to a river in Buffelsdraai - KZN, a short while ago (Wednesday).

Minors Discover murder victim: Buffelsdraai - KZN
Minors Discover murder victim: Buffelsdraai - KZN Image credit: Facebook

South Africa, KwaZulu Natal (KZN), Buffelsdraai: Five (5) minors discovered the body of a man next to a river in Buffelsdraai – KZN, a short while ago (Wednesday).

The teenagers, aged between 13 & 15, arrived at Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) Headquarters at approximately 10:58. They informed the Controller On Duty that they were walking from their homes in Buffelsdraai to the Lotusville – KwaZulu Natal (KZN) Swimming Pool when they noticed a male lying next to the river.

They approached a group of adults and informed them of the discovery. The children were advised by the group of males that it was not their problem and that they should seek assistance elsewhere. The boys, after that, hiked six (6) kilometres to Reaction Unit South Africa Headquarters (HQ).

Reaction Officers uplifted the minors who provided directions to the scene. On arrival, Officers discovered the body of a man in his late twenties lying in a prone position next to a river.

He sustained a gunshot wound to his lower back. His body was in a state of post-mortem rigidity. However, the identity of the deceased is still unknown.

Residents of the Buffelsdraai are sad about the demise of the young man. Still, at the same time, they praise the minors who came forward without a second thought and tell everything to the Reaction Unit Officers and.. RUSA officers also behaved well and took help from them at whatever time they needed.

“Thank you, RUSA, that kids know who to turn to when encountering crimes. We salute these young ones. Well done. RIP unknown sad way to go,” said one of the local residents.

People are also praising RUSA by saying that RUSA is doing good in their area because minors also know about them, which is a commendable thing.

“Wow, brave future soldiers. The fact that even minors know about RUSA, it means that they are doing something really good. Big up to Reaction Unit,” said another user.

“Sad reality of the world we live in, I am just so thankful that our children, as an example of these children mentioned, knew exactly to go to RUSA and seek help, well-done kids and well done to RUSA for always going the extra mile for our country, I salute you, ” said locals.

Moreover, the man’s identity is still unknown, and the Reaction Team are trying hard to contact his family.