Mpumalanga MEC Majuba visits Masizakhe secondary school

South Africa: The MEC for Education, Mr Bonakele Majuba, undertook a School Support visit to Masizakhe Secondary School in Breyten in the Msukaligwa Local Municipality yesterday morning.

Mpumalanga MEC Majuba visits Masizakhe secondary school
Mpumalanga MEC Majuba visits Masizakhe secondary school Image credit: Mpumalanga Dept Facebook Page

South Africa: The MEC for Education, Mr Bonakele Majuba, undertook a School Support visit to Masizakhe Secondary School in Breyten in the Msukaligwa Local Municipality yesterday morning.

Masizakhe Secondary School is one of the best performing schools in the province. In the 2022 National Senior Certificate Examination Results, it obtained a 94.8 % pass rate.

This was an improvement of 21.1 % from the results of 2021. The MEC used the visit to congratulate all role-players at the school and to encourage the current cohort of the Class of 2023 to work extra hard to emulate and even improve the results achieved by the Class of 2022.

MEC Majuba was accompanied by the representatives and leaders of Vodacom, who were promoting the Vodacom e-school. The leadership of Msukaligwa Local Municipality was also in attendance.



“I am encouraged by the achievement of the Grade 12 Class of 2022, and I wish them all the best where ever they are. I also want to congratulate them and challenge the Class of 2023 to do even better, said MEC Majuba.

Furthermore, he added, “I am well convinced that a 100 per cent pass rate is possible here. I want some confirmation and commitment from the Grade 12 Class for the 100% pass.”

He also said, “I also know that learners rely on the shoulders and minds of educators to perform at their maximum level.”

In the end, he concluded by saying, “It is thus for this reason that I also want to acknowledge and appreciate all the teachers at Masizakhe for the good work which resulted in the 94.8 pass percentage in the 2022 Grade 12 Examinations“, MEC Majuba.

Image credit: Mpumalanga Dept Facebook Page

After this news, people seemed happy and showed their happiness in the comment section on social media. They are writing that they are proud of their school and their country’s education system.

One of the Facebook users said, “So proud of you, Mbhele lohlata. It was not any journey to get here…. We as a circuit, are so proud of you.”