Malawi: Mwanza District Council organized a workshop to train staff on the HIV and AIDS workplace policy. The district council organized the event on Friday and called on people to remain open and and actively participate in all HIV prevention strategies.
The District Commissioner, Dr. Martha Magreta Sineta told the media that there should be a safe and supportive environment in the workplace. This can be done by encouraging the members of the staff to openly discuss HIV and AIDS issues.
They will help to improve HIV and Aids work place policy in the district. The District Commissioner noted that, “The review of this policy is an opportunity for all of us because everyone’s input is crucial in ensuring that our workplace is not only safe but also supportive for all staff members regardless of one’s HIV/AIDS status.
Sineta underscored the need to deal with stigma and discrimination in the work place.
District Principal Nutrition HIV and AIDS Officer, Fred Kumwenda said there was need for a holistic approach to addressing issues that affect HIV/AIDS response in the workplace by focusing on prevention, care and other support services.
“Let council staff come forward should they feel violated or their rights on HIV/AIDS related issues,” said Kumwenda.
The workshop participants discussed, shared experiences and proposed solutions to enhance the workplace policy which is expected to further strengthen the councils initiatives in promoting health, safety and inclusivity among its workers.
HIV and AIDS Workplace Policy Coordinator for Mwanza District, Wilson Kapanda Manda has assured the staff of the district council that their reports and results will be kept confidential.
Richard Laudoni, a workshop participant described the orientation as an eye opener and opportunity to give input into the council’s HIV/AIDS workplace policy.
Each sector at the council is required by law to commit 2 percent of other recurrent transactions (ORT) funds towards HIV and AIDS activities. These activities include food ration to council staff living with HIV.
The workshop hosted by the district council brought together key stakeholders. The event was a part of the councils consultative efforts of soliciting views from staff to revisit current HIV and AIDS workplace policy.