PM Roosevelt Skerrit attends business sessions at 46th CARICOM meeting

PM Roosevelt Skerrit attended the business sessions of the Forty-Sixth Regular Meeting of the CARICOM heads.

PM Roosevelt Skerrit attends business sessions at 46th CARICOM meeting, Image: Facebook, Roosevelt Skerrit
PM Roosevelt Skerrit attends business sessions at 46th CARICOM meeting, Image: Facebook, Roosevelt Skerrit

Dominica: PM Roosevelt Skerrit attended the business sessions of the Forty-Sixth Regular Meeting of the CARICOM heads. The event was attended by all the heads of the CARICOM member states. The event was held on Monday, February 26.

During the second day of the event being hosted in Georgetown Guyana, the regional leaders focussed on several issues of regional and international importance. All the CARICOM leaders discussed significant issues.

One of the most prominent issues of discussion was Climate Change and Climate Financing. Caribbean region has been a passionate advocate of climate action for the world. The Caribbean Region has been working diligently to take the message to international platforms.

Notably, the Caribbean region is facing serious repercussions as a result of the climate crisis. Accordingly, they have been rallying for climate financing and the creation of a loss and damage fund which would help in the rehabilitation of a country after destruction from natural disasters.

The CARICOM’s plea for climate action has been heard on a global scale due to the relentless work of the member countries. Meanwhile, the meeting would also hold important discussions on regional food and nutritional security.

This is another important topic for discussion for the regional heads of state. The leadership would look for ways to collaborate to ensure that the countries can become self-sufficient. They have been working on ways to improve and develop the agriculture sectors.

The aim of the CARICOM nations is to work towards reducing their food import bills and increase reliance on locally grown products. The business session also provided a platform to facilitate discussions on developments in regional transportation.

The Prime Minister of Dominica, Dr Roosevelt Skerrit shared that they discussed the current situation of their sister island Haiti, which is affected by severe insecurity. The heads of states came together in deliberations to find a way to help their sister island.

During the business sessions they will also receive an update on the implementation of the decision to work towards free movement for all CARICOM nationals.