PM Terrance Drew celebrates Independence with Primary students

The Federal Cabinet of St Kitts, accompanied by Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew visited the Primary schools in the East Zone

PM Terrance Drew celebrates Independence with Primary students, Image: Facebook
PM Terrance Drew celebrates Independence with Primary students, Image: Facebook

St Kitts and Nevis: The Federal Cabinet of St Kitts, accompanied by Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew visited the Primary schools in the East Zone. St Kitts and Nevis has started their Independence Day celebration for the nation with several community based events.

The leaders of the St Kitts and Nevis administration, along with the members of the community visited the schools to celebrate with the students.

As per official Independence Day calendar, this was the only event scheduled for the day and the cabinet spent the day interacting with the students. The Prime minister of St Kitts and Nevis shared several images from the interaction on his social media.

Dr Drew was accompanying His Deputy, the Minister of Education, Dr Geoffrey Hanley and other members of the cabinet. The officials have shared that the members of the community should have the opportunity to celebrate with their leadership.

The Prim Minister highlighted that he was honored to be a part of the celebration with the primary school students. He highlighted that this is the first in a series of visits to the schools.

The Prime Minister said that he was exhilarated with the visit to the children, “It fills me with great hope knowing they represent the future.”

According to Dr Terrance Drew, the visit makes him confident in the fact that every life is precious. During the independence day visit, he hoped that the people of the country can come together to build a society where our children can flourish and reach their full potential.

The members of the St Kitts and Nevis Cabinet visited the following schools of the West Zone:

  • Cayon Primary School
  • Violet Petty Primary
  • Joshua Obadiah Williams Primary
  • Cotton-Thomas Comprehensive at the Estridge Campus
  • Edgar T. Morris Primary
  • Saddlers Primary
  • Dieppe Bay Primary School.

They were welcomed warmly by the management and the students of the schools which were visited. The members of the community shared that the visits and celebratory events will continue till the 41st independence Day of St Kitts and Nevis, September 19 and go even beyond the day.