President Masisi strengthens Botswana-Zimbabwe ties at Maitengwe Meeting

Botswana, Zimbabwe: Botswana president Mokgweetsi E. K. Masisi attended Kgotla meeting held in Maitengwe this week, where Masisi informed residents that Botswana and Zimbabwe enjoy good cordial working relations characterized by mutual respect, a shared history and family ties that connect the two countries beyond their shared border.

President Masisi strengthens Botswana-Zimbabwe ties at Maitengwe Meeting
President Masisi strengthens Botswana-Zimbabwe ties at Maitengwe Meeting Image Credit: Facebook

Botswana, Zimbabwe: Botswana president Mokgweetsi E. K. Masisi attended Kgotla meeting held in Maitengwe this week, where Masisi informed residents that Botswana and Zimbabwe enjoy good cordial working relations characterized by mutual respect, a shared history and family ties that connect the two countries beyond their shared border.

President Masisi said Botswana will continue to work closely with Zimbabwe on areas of mutual benefit aimed at improving relations with Zimbabwe through established diplomatic channels.

President Masisi informed residents that despite reports of cattle rustling, human-wildlife conflict, and cross border crime, Botswana will engage Zimbabwe through the Bi-National Commission Co-Chaired by both Presidents.

He added that working closely with Zimbabwe will also aid Law enforcement agencies in acting on cross-border crime prevention.

Botswana President Masisi said the Bi-National Commission between the two countries offers a platform to address shared challenges and cement economic cooperation. President Masisi revealed that he will discuss areas of mutual cooperation in the area of Agriculture at the upcoming Bi-National Commission to be held in Maun next year.

His Excellency President Masisi said during the Bi-National Commission he will request his Zimbabwean counterpart, His Excellency Dr Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, to assist Botswana with experts in the field of Agriculture to visit and teach Botswana new farming methods so as to improve their farming skills and thus attain high crop yields, adding that it is good to benchmark from Zimbabwe as it produces high crop yields in wheat and maize.

President Masisi shared that Zimbabwe boasts a high literacy rate of 98%, and Botswana could learn sustainable farming methods used by Zimbabwe in achieving high production crop yields.

He told Maitengwe residents that Botswana will avoid conflict with Zimbabwe to maintain peace and stability.

Moreover, sources stated that bilateral Relations Botswana and Zimbabwe is a key for mutual understanding.