Private school owners association laud govt for early results

The Private Schools Owners Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has appreciated the Ministry of Education  and MENEB for timely announcement of results

Private school owners association laud govt for early results, Image: facebook
Private school owners association laud govt for early results, Image: facebook

Malawi: The Private Schools Owners Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has appreciated the Ministry of Education  and MENEB for timely announcement of results. The Ministry and the Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) announced the PSLCE and JCE results on Friday.

The Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE) and Junior Certificate of Education (JCE) examination results were much anticipated by the students. The education stakeholders of the nation have shared that they are delighted to see the management of the result announcements.

The president of Private Schools Owners Association of Malawi Ernest Kaonga, lauded the timely release and publication. He highlighted that they recognize this as a significant improvement in the efficiency of the examination process.

The officials have shared that the members of the community want to make sure that they have to make sure that this consistency can be carried forward. The President of the Private Schools Owners Association of Malawi said that this will also bear well for the students

Kaonga emphasized that the early release of results will empower parents and guardians to make well-informed decisions concerning their children’s academic journeys.

“I extend my gratitude to the government for ensuring the swift release of the PSLCE and JCE examination results.”

“Delayed result announcements often place parents in a predicament, struggling to adapt to new educational requirements. This early disclosure offers ample time for preparation and planning for the next phase in their children’s education,” said Kaonga.

He further stressed that this early release is particularly beneficial for parents of students who took the PSLCE examination. The result announcement will provide the students with sufficient time to make critical decisions regarding their children’s educational paths.

On Friday, the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with MANEB, announced the results for the 2023/2024 academic year, a decision that has received widespread approval. The students and guardians alike have taken to their respective social media accounts to celebrate the results.

At the same time, they also appreciated the government for giving them enough time to make their future decisions.