Saint Lucia CIP thrives under Mc Claude Emmanuel

The Chief Executive Officer of CIP Saint Lucia, Mc Claude Emmanuel has been making significant and serious efforts in the pursuit of uplifting the country’s CBI Programme. Emmanuel and his team at the CIP are leading the programme to become better and better with time.

The proof of their efforts is apparent in the fact that Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment is among the top three CBI programmes of the 2023 CBI Index.


The index which was published on September 14, 2023 is a guide for the high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) to assist them in making the right investment choices. Being placed among the top contenders is a testament to the work that the CIP has put into the programme.

Saint Lucia is best suited for the high net worth individuals looking a safe and secure investment options. The Citizenship by Investment Programme of Saint Lucia offers the investors the freedom and safety to invest in their future.

The Chief executive officer is widely known for his dedication and zeal to constantly make the programme better. It is due to this dedication and commitment that the newest programme in the Citizenship by Investment Industry stands at par with the most respectable and trustworthy programmes in the world.

In less than a decade after the programme became operation in 2016, it has carved out a niche for itself. Under the able guidance of Emmanuel, the programme continues to take steps to become the most sought after CBI Programme in the industry.

Saint Lucia is most suited for people looking to make an investment for their future and retirement years. The pristine beaches and peaceful environment of the country, along with the peace that it offers makes the country an ideal destination.

Mc Claude Emmanuel and his team have taken the programme to great heights with their efforts. Saint Lucia has emerged as one of the safest investment options with their rigorous background checks. The CIP tales the services of reputable third-party organizations to conduct these checks.


The third party organizations ensure that only the most deserving applicants can get the access to the country’s citizenship product. The programme is known for their due diligence programme and provides a number of of benefits to the international investors.

The CBI Index ranked the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment on nine pillars. Out of the total of 12 jurisdictions, the country claimed an impressive third place. The country received the following scores in the various pillars:

Standard of Living: 06
Freedom of Movement: 07
Minimum Investment Outlay: 10
Mandatory Travel/ Resident: 10
Citizenship Timeline: 09
Ease of Processing: 08
Due Diligence: 07
Family: 09
Certainty of Product: 06