MoH, Blantyre Health Office prepare journalists for possible outbreaks
Ministry of Health, Blantyre District Health Office invited the journalists and media houses to spread awareness regarding filovirus diseases
Gaborone City, DHMT meet to discuss relocation of health clinics
Gaborone City Council's (GCC) Executive Staff met with the District Health officers Management Team (DHMT).
World Health Organization pledges to end TB in Malawi by 2030
World Health Organization has promised to support all the programmes conceptualised by Malawi to eradicate TB by 2030
Chitipa District to get eye health facilities under operation eyesight
Operation Eyesight has announced that it is working on equipping the eye laboratory at Chitipa District Hospital with resources
Versius Surgical Robotics System launched in Free State Province
Health systems in the free state province have recently launched the Versius Surgical Robotics System in a ceremony organized on Tuesday
Zambia National Blood Transfusion Service clears air on blood contamination rumours
The Zambia National Blood Transfusion Service (ZNBTS) has refuted reports suggesting that donated blood in the country is contaminated.
Zambia, UNICEF, Gavi collaborate for Solar Electrification
The Ministry of Health in Zambia has improved their health infrastructure with the help of UNICEF and Gavi.
UTH Adult hospital organize training to improve service delivery
The University Teaching Hospitals (UTH)s Adult Hospital has been working diligently to improve service delivery.
Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda assures nation on availability of HIV AIDS medication availability
The Minister of Health Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda has assured the public that the country has sufficient antiretroviral drugs (ARV) drugs