Steve Tshwete Municipality starts clean environment operation
South Africa: It was an early rise this morning for Steve Tshwete Local Municipality’s hierarchy as they hastily attended to clean up Midwater and Aerorand.
STLM embarks on systematic planning ahead of new financial year
South Africa: Steve Tshwete Local Municipality (STLM) has embarked on a systematic planning way ahead of the new financial year, which kicks off on 1 July 2023 for the 2023-2024…
South Africa: Transport Month Launch, successfully
South Africa: October has been denoted as Transport Month in South Africa, whereby the Department of Transport and its entities will showcase transport infrastructure services in aviation, maritime, public transport…
Sustainable Development Goals #SDGs Localisation Workshops
The Department of Cooperative Governance is currently leading SDGs localisation workshops in various participating Intermediate City Municipalities #ICMs.