Tempe Military Base showcases SA Army Armor tradition at Garrison Hall Dinner

South Africa, Free State, Bloemfontein: The School of Armour in Bloemfontein (Tempe Military Base), Free State, hosted a traditional dinner on August 18, 2023, at the Garrison Hall. The aim was to promote the customs and traditions of the SA Army Amour Formation to the Squadron Commanders, Squadron Second in Command, Squadron Quartermasters and Squadron Sergeant Majors Courses.

Tempe Military Base showcases SA Army Armor tradition at Garrison Hall Dinner
Tempe Military Base showcases SA Army Armor tradition at Garrison Hall Dinner Image credit: Facebook

South Africa, Free State, Bloemfontein: The School of Armour in Bloemfontein (Tempe Military Base), Free State, hosted a traditional dinner on August 18, 2023, at the Garrison Hall. The aim was to promote the customs and traditions of the SA Army Amour Formation to the Squadron Commanders, Squadron Second in Command, Squadron Quartermasters and Squadron Sergeant Majors Courses.

During the opening, the Officer Commanding School of Armour, Colonel D. Romain, emphasised that this should be conducted yearly, and members on different courses must go and share this experience with their subordinates and fellow colleagues at their different units so that this culture can be embedded and ongoing.


This was an opportunity for newly appointed junior officers to learn about the traditions and customs of the Officer Corps as well as the SA Army Armour traditions.

The evening began with members gathering and getting ready for the functions at the Turret Unit Club, situated at the School of Armour. The Officer Commanding then led the grouping to the 2 Special Service Battalion Conference Room, where group photos of the different rank groups were taken.

After that, all guests proceeded to the Garrison Hall, where the formalities began. The Mess President was Lieutenant Colonel M. Dippenaar, and the Vice President was Major E.L. Swartbooi. Once the formalities were concluded, supper was served. The caterer, Warrant Officer Class 1 Bereng and his team did a splendid job with the preparation and presentation of the food.

Thereafter, there was a toast to the President, which brought the formalities to an end. Members then reverted back to the Turret, where the Vice President, Major Swartbooi, read out the fines for deserving members. The evening was then declared open, and everyone got a chance to mingle at a social gathering.