Tonota: The Department of Social and Community Development is hosting a three-day workshop in collaboration with the IT Division. The workshop focusing on the Single Social Registry (SSR) application. The Tonota District Council shared some glimpses from the event on their social media.
The Department of Social and Community Development and IT Division of Tonota District Council successfully held the first day of the workshop. The Tonota College of Education serves as the venue for the event, which started on November 7, 2023.
The workshop aims to equip Social Welfare officers with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in utilizing the SSR application effectively. The SSR application serves as a centralized database consolidating various social protection programmes and streamlining processes to enhance efficiency.
During the workshop, Participants will engage in hands-on training exercises facilitated by the S &CD Department and IT division of Tonota. The attendants will get information regarding:
• Registering beneficiaries
• Updating Information
• Generating reports using the SSR application.
By practising these tasks during the workshop, attendees are expected to gain confidence in their ability to handle real-world scenarios once they return to their respective roles.
The aim of the workshop is to make public servants more proficient and experienced in their work roles. After the conclusion of the trainings, the attendants can return to their jobs with the necessary skills to help the people.
Social welfare workers are responsible for assisting the people with Mean various aspects of social security. These include gaining access to, registering for and benefitting from the social security schemes and programmes of the government.
The government has introduced an application, SSR to streamline and ease the access to social security programs. It was important for the government to make sure that all the officials are ready and trained enough to use the application.
The workshop to impart training to use the Single Social Registry is running at the Tonota College of Education.