UN Peace Chief lauds Zambia ZAMBATT in Central Africa

Zambia: The United Nations Under-Secretary-General in charge of Peace Operations, Jean Pierre Lacroix, has thanked the Zambian Battalion (ZAMBATT), a Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), for its good work output in its area of responsibility.

Jean Pierre Lacroix says the loud cries from the people of the Central African Republic requesting more MINUSCA force deployment in other areas were the result of the splendid execution of tasks by ZAMBATT.


Jean Pierre Lacroix said this in Birao City, where he was to check on the state of the refugees. He also thanked the community for warmly receiving the refugees from Sudan following the conflict in that country.

He added that, in spite of the many problems they are facing, the people of the Central African Republic are still able to extend a helping hand to their brothers and sisters in the troubled Sudan.

Meanwhile, the Prefect of Vakaga, Leonard Mbele, said the MINUSCA force had done a lot in Vakaga since 2015 when the first contingent was first deployed, and that the troops still have a lot to do following the coming in of around 2000 refugees from Sudan.

Speaking peaking at the same occasion, Special Representative to the UN Secretary-General Ms Valentine Rugwabiza said MINUSCA is making headways to ensuring the border areas are protected and that MINUSCA force in the region is very brave and more than willing to work for the community.

And speaking when Mr Lacroix met the refugees, UNHCR representative Fafa Oliver Attidzah praised the Birao community and the Vakaga leadership for allowing the refugees access to education and health facilities in the area.

Residents are happy with the initiative of the government. One of the residents said, “We love and appreciate the great work you are doing in Central African Republic, our brave soldiers. May God continue to give you courage as you carry out your noble mission.”
