V.President Taban opened workshop on findings of transport needs assessment report

South Sudan, Juba: Vice President Gen. Taban Deng Gai opened one day workshop on the Findings of Transport needs Assessment Report for South Sudan organized by Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Co-ordination Authority at Palm Africa Hotel.

V.President Taban opened workshop on findings of transport needs assessment report
V.President Taban opened workshop on findings of transport needs assessment report

South Sudan, Juba: Vice President Gen. Taban Deng Gai opened one day workshop on the Findings of Transport needs Assessment Report for South Sudan organized by Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Co-ordination Authority at Palm Africa Hotel.

The workshop was attended by Hon. Simon Mijok Mijak, Minister of Roads and Bridges, World Bank Country Director, JICA representative and Hon. James Omea Nyavandi, Executive Director Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Coordination Authority.


H:E Vice President appreciated NCTTCA for the great work they are doing and urged the world Bank to invest in roads network and river transport.



He further assured the Authority of absolute government support and current ongoing negotiations between the government and donors to fund stalled projects. For example, Torit-Nadepal Road.

Hon. Simon Mijok Mijak, Minister of Roads and Bridges, called on African Development Bank and World Bank to fulfil their commitment by funding the road linking Torit in Eastern Equatoria State with Kenya.


JICA representative emphasized the importance of Freedom Bridge and the jobs it will create for youth in the country.

Hon. James Omea Nyavandi, Executive Director of Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Coordination Authority, said they are building the capacity of South Sudanese engineers by sending them for further training in the neighbouring counties.